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----  Shen Shuxiang with double braid  (

--  Author:webmaster
--  Posted:2007-6-27 19:20:00

--  Shen Shuxiang with double braid

The relevant image is as below:

The relevant image is as below:

The relevant image is as below:

The relevant image is as below:

The relevant image is as below:

The relevant image is as below:

The relevant image is as below:

The relevant image is as below:

The relevant image is as below:

The relevant image is as below:

The relevant image is as below:

The relevant image is as below:

The relevant image is as below:

The relevant image is as below:

The relevant image is as below:

The relevant image is as below:

The relevant image is as below:

The relevant image is as below:

--  Author:kin
--  Posted:2007-6-27 23:33:00

[em09She looks great, but photos
--  Author:ssumarti
--  Posted:2007-6-28 5:27:00

I am eager to grow my hair as long as hers.....

--  Author:webmaster
--  Posted:2007-6-28 6:13:00

Hi Sumarti, Could we know how long is your hair? And could you please share some nice pics with us? Thanks. Wish you keep your hair growing and beome longer and longer.
--  Author:heiko_w_de
--  Posted:2007-6-28 8:11:00


Thank you for these fascinating photos. This hair-style is really very wonderful!


(The Rapunzel Long Hair Archive)

--  Author:Krone
--  Posted:2007-6-28 15:14:00

Supe supe braid,
--  Author:meenakshi
--  Posted:2007-6-28 18:38:00


hi very good photos with double braids

Ladies with long hair or medium hair when they wear double braids they look awesome. try to post double braid photos

--  Author:darkwing
--  Posted:2007-6-28 22:39:00

Thank you for this double braided Photos. I totally agree with "meenakshi".

Are this cactuses in the 13th photo real?

--  Author:webmaster
--  Posted:2007-6-29 0:09:00


Thank you for all your nice compliments.

These cactuses in the 13th photo are only duplicates.

--  Author:lenahyd
--  Posted:2007-6-29 21:42:00

it is very very nice
--  Author:sk
--  Posted:2011-10-31 16:14:00

she is sexy

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