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ChinaLongHair ForumLong Hair Community → Forum Help
Forum Help List
  • Frequently Used Function
      -- Point Setting
      -- Rank Setting

  • User Maintenance
      -- Why should I register?
      -- Why can't I log in?
      -- How do I prevent my username from appearing in the online user listings?
      -- Does this forum use cookies?
      -- How do I clear my cookies?
      -- Can I change the information in my profile?
      -- What is the signature for?
      -- I have lost my password, what can I do?
      -- How do I get a picture under my username?
      -- What are the buddy and block lists?
  • General Forum Usage
      -- Can I search the forum?
      -- What is Private Messaging?
      -- Why can't I send Private Messages to some users?
      -- How can I prevent someone from sending me Private Messages?
      -- How do I use the Member List?
      -- What are announcements?
      -- What does my rank indicate?
      -- Can I change my rank?
      -- What are Administrators?
      -- What are Moderators?
      -- What are Usergroups?
  • Reading and Posting Messages
      -- Are there any special codes/tags I can use to markup my posts?
      -- What is message notification?
      -- What are Emoticons(Smilies)?
      -- What are locked(closed) topics?
      -- What are Sticky topics?
      -- How do I create and vote in polls?
      -- What Are Attachments?
      -- Can I edit my own posts?
      -- Why have some of the words in my post not been displayed?
      -- Why can't I view a forum?
  • RankSetting

    Upgrade to rank 1 need 0 posts. Rank image:
    Upgrade to rank 2 need 10 posts. Rank image:
    Upgrade to rank 3 need 20 posts. Rank image:
    Upgrade to rank 4 need 30 posts. Rank image:
    Upgrade to rank 5 need 50 posts. Rank image:
    Upgrade to rank 6 need 80 posts. Rank image:
    Upgrade to rank 7 need 130 posts. Rank image:
    Upgrade to rank 8 need 210 posts. Rank image:
    Upgrade to rank 9 need 340 posts. Rank image:
    Upgrade to rank 10 need 550 posts. Rank image:
    Upgrade to rank 11 need 890 posts. Rank image:
    Upgrade to rank 12 need 1440 posts. Rank image:
    Upgrade to rank 13 need 2330 posts. Rank image:
    Upgrade to rank 14 need 3770 posts. Rank image:
    Upgrade to rank 15 need 6100 posts. Rank image:
    Upgrade to rank 16 need 9870 posts. Rank image:
    Upgrade to rank 17 need 15970 posts. Rank image:
    Upgrade to rank 18 need 25840 posts. Rank image:

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